1 Feature Most Google Home Users Don’t Know

One of the technologies that has successfully permeated society in terms of use is Bluetooth. We use it to connect our phones to our wireless earbuds when we workout. We use it to connect our phones to our car stereo so we can listen to our Spotify playlist or audio book while driving. The more affluent use it to connect their extremely large state of the art LED TVs to their home entertainment system to get a theater-like experience when watching their favorite action films.

Given the role of Bluetooth in our digital lives, it is a bit surprising that a lot of Google Home users don’t know that their device is equipped with this technology. Google has also made it really simple to connect your devices to it.

How to Connect Your Bluetooth Device to Google Home

Before you can start using your Google Home as a Bluetooth speaker, you need to set it up first with your other devices. These are the steps that you have to take.

  1. First, you’ll need to say the following phrase: “Okay, Google, enter pairing mode.” However, there are also other phrases that get the job done such as, “Pair Bluetooth” and “Turn on Bluetooth”.
  2. Second, wait for Google Assistant to respond with the phrase, “To connect, open Bluetooth settings and look for the device called [name of your Google device].
  3. Next, open your phone or computer’s Bluetooth settings in the Settings app, and look for your Google Home’s name.
  4. Once you have found your Google Home, connect the devices. When you have connected, you will hear a sound play that means your devices are now connected. Now, music played or audio played from your Bluetooth connected device will play through Google Home.
  5. If you want to disconnect the devices, simply say the following: “Hey, Google, disconnect Bluetooth.” Once that is said, Google Assistant will confirm it by saying, “Bluetooth is disconnected.”

How to Reconnect

The steps above are simple and easy to do, and will only take you a few minutes to finish. Once your devices are all set up, pairing your devices is a simple matter. Simply say, “Okay Google”, and say any of the following phrases: “Connect to my device”, “Connect to my phone”, “Connect Bluetooth”. It will respond by saying, “Looking for paired devices”, and then play a sound once connected. As mentioned above, when you want to disconnect, just say the phrase, “Hey Google, disconnect Bluetooth”.

The whole process is simple and easy to do. However, there is a bug or glitch to watch out for. Sometimes, when disconnecting from Google Home, Google Assistant will say “You want to clear your list of paired Bluetooth devices, right?” Make sure to say “No” to this question or else you’ll have to redo all the steps stated above.

As you can see Bluetooth functionality is one of Google Home’s best features. What makes it better is that it’s simple and easy to set-up and get running. So the next time you decide to listen to music or audio book on your phone, just connect it to your Google Home to get better sound quality.

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