Yes we are open and continue to accept orders made through our website during the quarantine period.


Our courier advised us that they are still servicing their clients nationwide during the quarantine period. Please be advised, however, that pick-up and deliveries in some areas will be suspended until further notice. Here are the affected areas/locations for your reference:

All private and public hospitals in NCR
All schools and universities nationwide
Subdivision and villages where riders are not allowed to enter
Closed establishments due to lockdown
Specific buildings & Facilities, Barangay and Provinces under community quarantine

Moreover, our courier was kind enough to provide us a detailed list of serviceable areas which they constantly update. To view the file, please click on this link – Serviceable Areas.


We accept cash on delivery, bank transfers (BPI and BDO) and credit card payments. We use the PayPal standard to process card payments so you can be assured that our checkout process is secure.

Smart devices are electronic devices that a user can control through the internet or other wireless protocols. You can control said devices even when you’re not at home. All you need to do is open the app to control them or set timers/schedules. You can do this even when you’re out of the country. All you need is an active internet connection for your mobile phone and the smart device that you want to control.

A smart plug allows a user to turn on and off appliances such as fans and lamps using a mobile phone. You can control your appliance whether you’re in your home, outside your house or in another country. All you need is an active internet connection for both your smart plug and your mobile phone. You can also automate actions like setting schedules as to when these appliances will power up or shut down.

A smart bulb can be controlled using your mobile phone wherever you are. All you need is an active internet connection for both your smart bulb and your mobile phone. You can also set schedules as to when it will be turned on or off. Another cool feature of our smart bulb is that you can change its color. With our smart bulb, you can set it to any color that fits your mood.

Apologies but we do not have a physical store yet. For now, we’re purely an online store but rest assured we’re working on making one available to our customers at the soonest possible time. If you sign up to our newsletter, we will let you know through email as soon as we have a physical store.

Yes, we ship nationwide.

This will depend on your location and the size and weight of your package. This information will be provided to you when you checkout.

Sorry but we do not do meet ups.

For now, this option is only available to Metro Manila clients who have paid using their credit card/PayPal account or transferred to our BPI or BDO account.  If you choose this option, you agree to shoulder the delivery fee. The exact amount of which will be relayed to you right before we book a rider.

SMARTLIVING.PH products carry a 120-day warranty. To learn more about our Warranty Policy, kindly click on this link – Warranty Policy.